
Step by step guide to customize this template.

I understan that webflow could ne confusing expecially for the first time when you open it. So that's why you should take a look at this page to be aware of tricks and tips. Feel free to contact me directly asn ask any questions and I will help you if will stuck with something.


80% of my layouts are components

Components will help you build your template pages faster and keep you design more consistent.

I will list down all components that you may want use.

Testimonial Slider
Faq Component
Fixed Cta
Award Component
Solo Testimonial
Main Gallery Showcase
About Me
About Me
Include Component
Secondary Gallery
Gallery Cards

Step 1

Find component you need in the Asset Panel

Step 2

Click to enter the component and edit content and changes images


As a wedding photographer you might wan to show your greate works

My designed layouts in the way you can accent to your works.
Some images has portrat some of the album ratio so use them accordingly.

Portrait Mode

If you want to use album mode instead of portrait in this case you need to adjust alyout height acccordingly.

Album Mode

This mode not so popular in wedding photography so I used much less than portrait mode